Bio Young Amino Acid
The Secret for more than 500,000 users in Southeast Asia to stay young and healthy

Are you facing these problems?
Hair Loss
Fat Deposit
Stretch Mark & Scars
Risk of Osteoporosis
Head-to-Toe Benefits

Bone Density
Libido Level
Vitality & Strength
Skin Elasticity
Brain Function
Lung Function
Body Immunity
Kidney Function
Wound Healing
Cardiac Function

The Two Major Functions of Bio Young Amino Acid Complex
Balancing the Hormones
Hormones are the signal transmitter between cells. Our product support to balance the hormones for optimal health.
Providing You The Essential Nutrients
There are 45 types Essential Nutrients in Bio Young Amino Acid Complex to promote HGH Synthesis, promote various cell activities and regeneration.
About Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

What is HGH?
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) produced by the pituitary gland, plays a vital role in growth, metabolism and cellular regeneration
Relationship between HGH and Amino Acid
HGH is composed of 191 Amino Acids mainly include (Arginine, Ornithine, Lysine and Glutamic Acid)

HGH Declines with Age
Peak period of HGH secretion is at the age 15-20. After 20 years old, it declines rapidly. After 30, there is a cliff-like decline, affects the balance of hormone.
Unique Formula
20 Amino Acids: High Quality Protein to promote HGH Synthesis.

12 Vitamins and 12 Minerals: Promote and assist various cell activities
L-Carnosine: Promote our body's cell regeneration and protect brain cells
Amino Acid & Mental State
Dopamine: Pleasure Hormone
Serotonin: Good Mood
Gaba: Calm Effect
Endorphin: Pain Relief & Blissfulness

The Foundation of Health and Youthfulness
Look Young, Feel Young, Stay Young
About Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

What is HGH?
Human Growth Hormone plays a vital role in growth, metabolism and cellular regeneration
Relationship between HGH and Amino Acid
HGH is composed of 191 Amino Acids mainly include (Arginine, Ornithine, Lysine and Glutamic Acid)
HGH Declines with Age
Peak period of HGH secretion: Age 15-20. After 20 years old: Declines rapidly. After 30, Cliff-like decline, affects the balance of hormone.
Unique Formula
20 Amino Acids: High Quality Protein to promote HGH Synthesis.

12 Vitamins and 12 Minerals: Promote and assist various cell activities
L-Carnosine: Promote our body's cell regeneration and protect brain cells
Amino Acid & Mental State
Dopamine: Pleasure Hormone
Serotonin: Good Mood
Gaba: Calm Effect
Endorphin: Pain Relief & Blissfulness
The Foundation of Health and Youthfulness
Look Young, Feel Young, Stay Young

Why is Bio Young proven to be effective for Reverse Aging?
It all comes down to the formula.
It's all natural and safe!
22 types of Amino Acid
12 types of Minerals
12 types of Vitamins
High quality Protein to promote the synthesis of Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
To boost immunity and maintain a healthy body, organs and skin
To maintain basic biological function in our body and health.
Powerful antioxidant that rejuvenates and prolongs the lifespan of cells

Customer reviews
Discover what our clients think about us
"Pigmentation was highly visible and "thick". After 4 months consuming Bio Young, my skin complexion clearly improved."
Puan Saidatul, 52

"It often felt dizzy due to high cholesterol. After only 1 month taking Bio Young, my plasma result is totally clear."

Fakhrul Zaini, 65
"Before, my diabetes index was 9.7. After taking Bio Young for 2 months with diet control, it has been lowered to 4.7."

Pah Ahmat, 58
Effective Ways for Best Results
Follow closely the steps and tips below for optimal results consuming Bio Young Amino Acid Complex

Best time to consume:
Before bed, 1-2 hours after food
Early morning, 20-30 minutes before breakfast
20-30 minutes before exercise to boost energy
Always shake with room temperature water. Never use warm or hot water
Drink immediately after shake
Must be taken with empty stomach

Need Expert Guidance?
Contact Our Professional Nutritionist for Consultation
Monday - Sunday l 10am - 6pm
Bio Young Wellness
Look Young, Feel Young, Stay Young
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Bio Young Wellness Sdn. Bhd. @ 2024. All rights reserved.

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